“Generative generational passages”

(did chatGPT write this post?)
Observing the image that accompanies the reflections of this post, I felt an almost unbearable sensation of heat, caused by the very intense light that sets the globe on fire.
After the sensation, the thought also arrived: “a world of ideas”.
The past summer did not disappoint those who were expecting meteorological events of such intensity as to make it increasingly difficult to deny the global warming underway.
But that’s not what we want to think and talk about today, even if the fiery globe cannot and must not leave us indifferent.
For some generations now, light has also become synonymous with reason, rationality (you are thinking of the Enlightenment, aren’t you?). In a sometimes philosophical, sometimes scientific sense, light has become the metaphor of the power of our thought and its ability to know the world, probe it, discover it, explore it, but also to invent it.
There are many ways to experience the generational transition that can involve a family, a company, an entire planet.
Some limit themselves to undergoing it, adapting, with greater or lesser flexibility, to the inevitable changes that the passage brings with it. Someone else, on the other hand, feels the impulse, the need to prepare, imagining and planning the different phases.
In doing so, our generation can count on the countless possibilities and resources generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI).
A concept now on everyone’s lips, here we invoke AI in its meaning of the ability of a machine to show human capabilities, such as, for example, reasoning, learning, planning and creativity.
Just as a God would have created us in his own image and likeness, man too, in conceiving Artificial Intelligence, has only been able to attribute his own abilities to it.
But what is creativity?
Is Artificial Intelligence creative?
What are the (ethical, structural) limits of Artificial Intelligence?
Many have been cultivating these questions for some time and it would be interesting to ask an AI product, such as chatGPT, what you think about these issues. Would you trust his answers? Someone has already called these instruments mere “stochastic parrots”.
I confess that, however, I found it hard not to give in to the seductive idea of having chatGPT write this article.
A wave of pride, perhaps even of narcissistic vanity, however, supported me in trying to write it alone.
After all, if man is a demiurge and is capable of generating, can this spark really be instilled by man, into the machine?
What material can the machine draw from in its creative activity, if not from works, information, data, the result of previous creations (for now mainly human), which draw inspiration and origin from memories, hopes, traumas, fears or projects?
Artificial Intelligence will perhaps be creative, when the machine will be capable of emotions.
In the meantime, talks have already begun, even at a regulatory level, of a recognizable protection for Artificial Intelligence works and products.
Trademarks, Designs, Patents, Artistic Works.
However, whatever degree of creativity will be recognized to AI, it will be the child of the human spark, that primitive creativity, without which not even Artificial Intelligence could have ever been conceived.
I don’t know how much our ego, already sufficiently huge and inconsiderate like ours, needs this comparison to the Creator, but, without us, there would be no machines capable of replacing us.
Cristina Bianchi
Ph. Fabio Ricciardiello